Monday, September 22, 2014

A Sensible Approach

Today, something may go wrong, very wrong. Or something could be surprisingly alarming. What matters isn't so much what happens, but the way that we react to it, with kindness or with aggression.

I've been subject to lashing out when upset, but I'm working on making space between the time when the upsetting event occurs and how I react to it.

Take a moment today to reflect on whether you lash out unexpectedly or whether you give it some time to settle in.

Either way, be aware of it.

Pay attention to your reaction.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Today is the day!

Today marks a new beginning. This blog's inception. 

I got the name from Ray Bradbury's Zen in the Art of Writing. Reading the preface of the book alone was enough to push me into creating a new blog.

I'm excited about sharing every skip and prose that comes to mind. 

I love reading and gazing at other blogs and I want to get in the conversation as well. I hope you'll join me with this adventure.

Let it commence!
